Frequently Asked Questions

Is the data safe? What safeguards have been put in place to protect data?
Data is encrypted in transit and at rest. To ensure the security of PII data, we adhere to HIPAA guidelines. The application runs on a HIPAA-compliant infrastructure. We also use the most recent security protocols to protect your data from unauthorized access. Finally, because we do not generate revenue by providing direct services to your patients, we do not require access to your data for any other reason than to provide you with technical support when requested.
What if I can not find the documents I am looking for?
Please reach out to us, our team of experts which include license consultants will create it in no time. Yes, it will be 100% compliant as per your healthcare regulatory agencies
Do I have to pay separately for Mobile APP access?
No, mobile app service will be included in your package. Keep enjoying it and save a lot to time.
How many users I can add?
It all depends on the package you have subscribed to. Please refer your member package section for the more details. However, you can always add more users to your subscription at an additional cost.
Will we be able to use the software because our staff is not computer savvy?
Yes, it's fairly simple to use, and anyone with a basic understanding of computers should be able to use it.